It was a definite learning experience to say the least. I shared a booth with a good friend, which was great, especially since this was my first one. The booth next to us was the hard part, he had exceptional work which put my handmade cards a bit to shame. Thank God there was a Dollar Store on the strip where the fair was, my girlfriend, literally ran to it and bought some shower curtains to block the view. People would casually walk by glance at our stuff and with super vision, see right through two cards to his hand carved wooden teddy bear rocking chair. I just kept telling myself, I would dart past a card to the cute chair also. So needless to say the blue shower curtain was a MUST, and also not to helpful in the end.
So as for the hate part of craft fair season. I am currently preparing myself for the craft fair coming up at St. Andrew's (10 S. Lake Street, Mundelein, Illinois) on Saturday the 15th. I recently went to a local antique shop and made purchases to help make my set up look more "vintagey." I figure if rocking chairs is what draws attention than I need two in different sizes! I attempted to go back for more display ideas, when my poor lil' 3 year old son got some bug. He threw up all over in the car ride there and has been sick for a week, which makes getting more things done nearly impossible, but I just cut out some dusting this week. When I have the time during his sick escapades, I am a hermit in my crafting cave, busily at work and popping out necklaces and cards like I was going to have a major corporation soon. After all of that I think to myself, what if I get that same bug, better get ready now and I set up a demo table in my living room to see what I actually need to pack up, if I need to make more, until the fair in-oh me, oh my-4 days!!! And in these 4 days, I have also scheduled myself to work Friday night and Wednesday morning since I had to cancel work last week since my son was ill. But I have also not been feeling to hot and pushing through it to get things done and I will not make it Saturday, if I keep this up.

I do however love the craft fair season, because I admire other peoples work and find plenty of gifts for friends and family. My fellow crafters amaze me with their poise and calmness at the event with beautiful displays. I of course spend more than I make, but that's okay since I love handmade goods and appreciate the hard work that goes into these items. So here's to you crafters and cheers to the season of us!!!